Saturday, 8 June 2013

Life in Genral!

So I haven't really blog much. At all actually.

I have been incredibly busy. Ive had to move back to my parents because things didn't work out. And I feel like I've taken a step back. But on the bright side I'm saving more than I ever would while I was there because the rent was so high and my train fare was so expensive and I have more time freed up so expect to be seeing more posts from me over the next couple of weeks.

I hope your all having a lovely summer now the suns out!!

Emily xx

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Bad blogger!!

Hey lovelies! 
So I haven't blogged for ages! Terrible I know but I'm back into it now. 
So my New Years resolutions updated. 
I'm getting there with saving, although I'm so tempted to withdraw it and shop on asos! 
I haven't been swimming as much as I would like to due to long work hours!! But yesterday I decided I had to do something and started the 30 day shred! It only takes 25mins a day which I can certainly spare. It was hard but I did it! And today my legs ache so much. I've decided to take a rest day every 5-10 days too. Will be posting the before and after pictures so keep an eye out.
Oh I forgot my other resolution! Mornings! I'm getting better! I plan to do the shred first thing before I get to work! 
Have you done completed the shred? What did you think? Xx

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New Years resolutions

Hello my lovelies, Happy new year, I hope you all had a good Christmas, I was very lucky and got everything I wanted, unfortunately New Year's Eve was spent sleeping, I completely run myself down :( but on the bright side I did get to meet my baby cousin Harry! He's soo Cute!

Has anyone made at resolutions? I have made three! Yes three but I think they are going to be ok.

1. Get up when my alarm goes off! Not half an hour later so I'm rushing around trying to get ready!

2. Save £1000.

3. Go swimming at least twice a week. Unless you count my five minute walk to and from the station twice a day and walking in to town every now and then I get no exercise what so ever!

What resolutions have you made?
